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1. mája 2014

General Assembly of Student Associations with the European Students’ Union at VŠEMvs in Bratislava

From 28 April to 1 May 2014, in cooperation with the Student Council for Higher Education of the Slovak Republic and Österreichische Hochschüler Innenschaft, School of Economics and Management in Public Administration in Bratislava hosted the general assembly of European Students’ Union – Board Meeting 66.

At the Opening ceremony in the Primate’s Palace, VŠEMvs was represented by Rector, prof. Ing. Viera Cibáková, CSc. and Vice-Rector for International Relations, doc. Ing. Stanislav Filip, PhD. as well as the organizational team of the Student Council for Higher Education based in VŠEMvs.

On Tuesday 29 April 2014 the first part of the seminar took place in VŠEMvs premises, which included presentations by notable international persons of the student movement concerning the results of the CoSMiCE project. The project dealt with student mobility within Europe and its effect upon students themselves, as well as upon the state and its economy.

In general, Board Meeting 66 feature more than 150 participating students and notable guests from 13 European countries.

Facebook gallery of the event


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