17 8 2020
Students of common study programmes, who are attending the third International Summer School at SEMPA, spent their first weekend of 15th and 16 the August 2020 hiking in Bratislava forest park.
„Cez koronu sme sa učili online a zostali tak spojení so školou“, hovorí Bc. Lukáš Pellegrini - úspešný študent VŠEMvs
VŠEMvs otvára doktorandské štúdium
Third International Summer School at Sempa successfully opened
First weekend of Ukrainian students in Bratislava forest park
Úspešné ukončenie špecializačného kurzu programovania ukrajinskými študentmi
Graduates of second year common Slovak–Ukrainian master’s study programmes in academic year 2019/2020
Team building – grill party of Ukrainian students and SEMPA representatives