24. augusta 2020
On Monday 24 August, School of Economics and Management in administration in Bratislava hosted an official opening of third year of common Slovak–Ukrainian master’s programmes, that are part of a project „ Mobility scheme of Ukrainian students with a purpose of trasferring soft and hard skills in IT to Ukraine in cooperation with universities and private sector“. The project is carried out under the leadership of EMA, involving IT Association of Slovakia as wel as SEMPA.
With participation of first vicepresident of IT Association of Slovakia Dr.h.c. Mário Lelovský, Director of European migration agency in Bratislava Ing. Marián Vlasatý and head of directorś board at SEMPA doc. Ing. Ľuboš Cibák, PhD. MBA seventeen students from partner universities in Odessa, Kharkiv, Kiev, Lviv, Uzhgorod and Chernivtsi attended official opening ceremony.
Speakers appreciated thorough preparation of the project and accomplishment of first year of common studies at mother universities, as well as useful language education and course of programming in JAVA, that were distantly provided by SEMPA in cooperation with partner universities.
During the discussion students appreciated well prepared accomodation and realisation of quarantine measures together with negativve Covid-test results.
The final part of opening was dedicated to finalizing contract conditions among students, IT association, SEMPA and sponsoring IT companies, as well as conditions for IT practice during the summer school and second year of master’s studies.
All the participants showed persuasion, that with mutual cooperation they will be able to reach the common goal of master‘s studies project.