Rotator Settings Rotator Settings Adjust your Rotator for perfect view
Select Rotator type:

Select content source:

News module integration options:
Here you can select which permissions will be used by the rotator module to display articles to the users. In the rotator there are no permissions that could limit users' ability to see articles, but the rotator module can load permissions from the news module, thus displaying articles in accordance with permissions from the news module to the users. Available choices are None, Portal and Module. If None is selected, the rotator module will use no permissions at all. If Portal is selected, the rotator module will use permissions set up to be valid across the whole DNN portal for EasyDNNnews module. If Module is selected, you can choose between some of the EasyDNNnews module's instances on the portal whose permissions will be used.
If this option is selected, the scheduler will automatically clean up the images and thumbnails not used in the rotator anymore. Images used in the news module will not be subjected to this clean-up.
If you have multiple instances of the news module on your portal, here you can select that instance of the news module where you wish the article details to be opened.
Select the categories for the articles to be displayed from. 'Display All Articles' will display articles from all categories. If you unselect 'Display All Articles', you can choose individual categories for the articles to be displayed from.
  • Expand/CollapseOpen in:
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Select the authors from the news module whose articles you wish to be displayed in the rotator. 'Display All Authors' will display the articles by all authors. If you unselect 'Display All Authors', you can choose individual authors whose articles you wish to be displayed in the rotator.
If this option is selected, the rotator will only display those articles that are marked as Featured articles in the news module.
This option allows for displaying articles only, or events only, or both.
Set the criteria to display events whose start date has ended. The option 'Show all' will display all events, disregarding the fact that they have already ended. We can enter the number of days to be set in the past for past events in the field 'Limit to number of days in the past'. If the set value is 0, the criterion for the event's listing will be the current date. In that case, neither of the past events will be displayed.
If this option is selected, the rotator will only display articles from the currently selected category of the news module, while navigating through multiple news categories on the page.
If this option is selected, the rotator will only display related articles by tags.
Choose the manner of listing the articles loaded from the news module.
Choose between two options. The first one, 'Display all articles from selected categories' will display all articles from selected categories, disregarding how many of them there are. The other option, 'Display a set number of articles from each category' limits the overall number of articles to be loaded from each selected category.

Choose between two options. The first one, 'Use article summary as description' takes the article's summary and uses it as description in the rotator. The other option, 'Use article content as description' takes the article's content and uses it as description in the rotator.

If this option is selected, the rotator will only display those articles from the news module that contain a main article image. The main article image can be added from add/edit form of the news module.
Here you can set when you wish the module to be visible on the page. If 'Module always visible' option is selected, the module is visible all the time. If 'Show module only when the news module displays the list of articles' option is selected, the rotator will only be visible when the news module displays the list of articles, yet it won't be visible when article details are displayed. If 'Show module only when the news module displays article details' option is selected, the rotator will only be visible when article details are displayed, yet it won't be visible when the list of articles is displayed. Note: The module is always visible to admin and host users.

Articles that do not have content for selected language won't be shown. For example on the sites with three different languages: English (default), German and Italian. Article is localized to Italian language. When selecting German language article won’t be visible because there is no localization. Article will only be shown on Italian and English language which is default. Hint: You can also turn off displaying languages on the default language. For articles that you do not want to show on the default language you need to go to Edit article > Content localization and Turn on option “Do not show articles on the default language”.
If this option is switched on, the rotator's content will be cached. The rotator uses DNN portal's cache settings (Host > Host Settings > Advanced > Performance Settings).


Load Settings



























Video and images 1


Video and images 2


Fluid Background - Works only with modified skins that support a fluid background


-- OR select from list --

Postavke iz drugih modula i XML-a.


Chameleon Rotator Settings

Theme select:

Select original or custom template control
Select theme and style for rotator.
Template is located at ../Controls/ControlName/static/themes/templates/ You can edit, modify, create new templates and combine them with tokens.
Select main container shadow.
Select main container shadow style.
Main container border size and color.

Resizes main image with selected method when generating images.
Jpeg compression quality. (1 - 100)
Number of items that will be rotated. (0 for all)
Selected content is randomized.
Shows first image of selected list.
Hide Sketch
Rotator Preview Main panel Item panel Social Buttons Pagination Thumbnails Panel Play stop button Auto play indicator Navigation arrows Title description panel

Main container:

The width/height of the rotator. Nothing in the rotator can be displayed outside of this container.
Calculate the rotator's height as a ratio of it's width, i.e. if the height is set to 50%, the rotator's height will be exactely half of it's width.

Item panel:

Width and height of main picture AND Container in pixels.
Vertical Position. If Top then offset is calculated from top, else Bottom.
Horizontal Position. If Left then offset is calculated from left, else Right.
Main Panel Transition Duration.

Keyboard Navigation
Redirect on click
Redirect On Click Target
This option enables support for touch input devices such as iPhone, iPad... The chameleon can be controlled by mouse dragging or moving.
If an image is smaller than the item panel, it will be stretched out to fit the panel.
Alignes image in main panel like selected value.
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Thumbnails panel:

Title/description panel:

The title and description container width / height in pixels
Conteiner Vertical Position. If Top then offset is calculated from top, else Bottom
Conteiner Horizontal Position. If Left then offset is calculated from left, else Right
Number of characters in title string to display in Item Container
Number of characters in description string to display in Item Container. Depends on html css tags in string
Only text is displayed in rotator description place.
Title, description box resizes depending on text length.
Auto hide title/description panel.
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Navigation arrows:

Auto hide arrows
Auto Hide Speed
Arrow Vertical Position. If Top then offset is calculated from top, else Bottom.
Arrow Horizontal Position. If Left then offset is calculated from left, else Right.
Arrow Vertical Position. If Top then offset is calculated from top, else Bottom
Arrow Horizontal Position. If Left then offset is calculated from left, else Right
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Autoplay interval
Pause On Hover
Display Indicator
Indicator Vertical Position. If Top then offset is calculated from top, else Bottom
Indicator Horizontal Position. If Left then offset is calculated from left, else Right
Indicator Orientation
If the direction is flipped, the indicator will "fill up" from the other side
Indicator Width / Height
Video starts automatically.
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Play/stop button:

Auto hide play/stop button
Auto Hide Speed
Conteiner Vertical Position. If Top then offset is calculated from top, else Bottom
Conteiner Horizontal Position. If Left then offset is calculated from left, else Right
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The maximum number of pages that will be visible
Pagination Direction
Pagination Vertical Position. If Top then offset is calculated from top, else Bottom
Pagination Horizontal Position. If Left then offset is calculated from left, else Right
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Settings are added to DropDownList from where you can load those settings. Setting are Saved to path - ModulePath/PreSettings/