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Ponuky na možnosti štúdia v zahraničí

Krátkodobé ponuky

Dlhodobé ponuky

Štipendiá SAIA

SAIA, n.o.- Slovenská akademická informačná agentúra je mimovládna nezisková organizácia, ktorá od roku 1990 svojimi programami a službami posilňuje občiansku spoločnosť a napomáha internacionalizácii vzdelávania a vedy na Slovensku.
Slovenská akademická informačná agentúra, n.o. administruje rôzne druhy štipendií a študijných pobytov v zahraničí pre študentov, doktorandov a vedeckých pracovníkov slovenských vysokých škôl.
Aktuálne informácie o možnostiach štúdia v zahraničí nájdete v Bulletine SAIA, ktorý vychádza pravidelne.

V prípade záujmu o uvedené štúdium prihláste sa na Oddelení zahraničných vzťahov VŠEM: 

Delightful Antalya - Istanbul 2024 Winter School

    We are happy to inform you that Delightful Winter School Program will be taking place with all the announced courses, starting in Antalya on the 20th of January.

    This is the final chance and announcement for your students if they wish to participate this magnificient program. The registrations will be open until the 1st of January. We would be grateful if you could inform your students this last time about the upcoming winter school program of Istanbul Aydin University.


    January 20 (Arrival in Antalya) - February 03 (Departure from Istanbul)

    Social Activity Program:

    Delightful Antalya & Istanbul 2024 Winter School comes with a rich social activities program that enables students to discover nearly all attractions in both cities while they continue their studies. Click here for full details.


    Program fee is 1.190 USD. Fee includes;

    - 50 hours of class tuition,

    - Course materials,

    - 6 nights all-inclusive accommodation in 5 star hotel in Antalya

    - 8 nights bed and breakfast accommodation in a 4 star hotel within 2 minutes walking distance to the campus in Istanbul.

    - 2 weekend tours,

    - Program amenities and other surprises.

    For more information click here


    Following courses are offered; for course descriptions and contents please click here

    Digital Marketing‘Blended Mobility’ 5 ECTS

    Brand Management‘Blended Mobility’6 ECTS

    Exploration of Turkish Art via Museums‘Blended Mobility’ 5 ECTS

    International Organizations and World Politics‘Blended Mobility’ 5 ECTS

    Genetics and Medical Biotechnology‘Blended Mobility’6 ECTS

    Scholarship scheme:

    We offer 1 full scholarship on the program fee to our partner institute (can be granted to a student or to a faculty member) for every 10 paid bookings we receive from your institution.

    We grant 50% scholarship on the program fee for every 5 paid bookings we receive from your institution. (you may nominate the 6thstudent to get this grant)

    For more information please visit our website or contact us;




Štipendiá Akcie Rakúsko – Slovensko

V rámci programu Akcia Rakúsko – Slovensko, spolupráca vo vede a vzdelávaní, je aktuálne otvorená ďalšia výzva na predkladanie žiadostí o štipendiá a projektovú spoluprácu.
Viac informácií: Letak 
Podrobnosti o programe môžu záujemcovia nájsť na stránke , pričom záujemca môže využiť aj konzultácie a poradenstvo v 5 pracoviskách SAIA na Slovensku