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Incoming students

Information sheet for incoming students

Institution Name Bratislava University of Economics and Management
Department of International Relations, ERASMUS+ Office

BUEM - Bratislava University of Economics and Management

VŠEM - Vysoká škola ekonómie a manažmentu v Bratislave

Furdekova 16
851 04 Bratislava, SLOVAK REPUBLIC
Contact Person E-mail:
ERASMUS+ Institutional Coordinator Ing. Marián Kováč, PhD.
Tel.: +421 917 986 739
ERASMUS+ Coordinator
Responsible for Outgoing and Incoming Students and Staff
Mgr. Peter Ivanovič
Tel.: +421 917 986 739

Application procedure, Deadlines, Forms

To become an ERASMUS exchange student at BUEM in Bratislava:
  • Find out whether your university has a bilateral agreement with BUEM/VŠEM in Bratislava and contact the International Relations Office at your home university for more information about the ERASMUS procedure.
  • Once you have been nominated by your home university,   
  • If your home university is not participating in the Erasmus Without Paper and OLA, send us the following documents:
  • Courses offered in foreign languages
  • Any questions related to study matters should be addressed to ERASMUS Coordinator.
  • Please fill in the forms using a computer, print out the completed documents for signatures of you and your home university coordinators.
  • Deadlines for sending applications for ERASMUS study:
    • End of June for mobility in fall semester or whole academic year
    • End of November for mobility in spring semester
  • After receiving application documents, a process of acceptance of your study follows. After acceptation of your study, we will return the signed Learning Agreement as well as a Letter of Acceptance to your home university. This may take about 4 weeks.

For more information see:

  Study Guide for Incoming Students

  International Student Guide

  Accommodation in Bratislava

Academic Calendar - Academic Year 2024/2025

 Autumn semester
from September 23, 2024  
to January 31, 2025
 Education Period
from September 25, 2024
to December 13, 2024
 Examination Period
from December 16, 2024
to January 31, 2025
 Introductory Week
from September 23, 2024
to September 27, 2024
 Spring semester
from February 03, 2025
to June 27, 2025
 Education Period
from February 03, 2025
to April 25, 2025
 Exam Period
from May 01, 2025
to June 27, 2025
 Introductory Week
from February 03, 2025
to February 07, 2025