ERASMUS+ Student Mobility - Call for Applications Blended Intensive Programme

On 11.04.2024 the selection procedure for ERASMUS+ Student Mobility will take place in order to implement the ERASMUS+ Blended Intensive Program abroad.
> APPLICATION < must be completed by 10.04.2024 by 12.00.
The selection procedure will take place on 11.04.2023 at 15.00 in person in the BUEM or online. Registered students will receive an invitation to the selection procedure by e-mail.
More information about the BIP mobility can be found in the attached invitation together with the programme.
BIP Programme
If you need more information, please check the university's website, the student portal and if you have any questions, please contact us by email
ERASMUS+ Student Mobility - Call for applications for the academic year 2024/2025

In connection with the preparation of study mobility for the academic year 2024/2025, we would like to call your attention to the selection procedures that will take place at our University of Economics and Management in Bratislava.
The first round of the selection procedure will take place on Wednesday 27.03.2024 at 09:30, while the deadline for applications for this round is 26.03.
The second round of the selection procedure will then take place on 11.04.2024 at 15:00, with the deadline for applications for the second round being 10.04.
Please consider participating in the first round, especially if you are interested in mobility at a partner universities where they have earlier deadlines for accepting documents - please contact the partner university for more information - this applies especially to the Nordic countries.
APPLICATION FORM must be filled in according to the respective round and deadlines by 12.00 pm
The selection procedure will be a hybrid (face-to-face/online), registered students will receive an invitation to the selection procedure by email.
Please read more about ERASMUS+ and study mobility here:
For more information please contact ERASMUS+ Office:
Call for ERASMUS+ student mobility for the purpose of study in the summer semester of the academic year 2023/2024

We invite all Erasmus+ students to apply for ERASMUS+ study mobility - experience a new experience abroad at one of our
partner universities
The APPLICATION FORM must be filled in by Wednesday 08.11.2023 by 12.00.
The selection procedure will take place on Thursday 09.11.2023 at 14:00 in a hybrid form (in person and online), registered students will receive an invitation to the selection procedure by e-mail.
For more information please contact ERASMUS+ Office:
Dresden partner university
We would like to offer you a short term ERASMUS+ Blended intensive program mobility organized in cooperation with our partner university in Dresden, Germany.
Please find in annex more information about the short mobility, which is also supported by a financial grant from the EU sources
For more information please contact ERASMUS+ Office:
Registration is available until October 18th - Registration Form
More information: BIP 2023 FHD
Výsledky online výberového konania pre ERASMUS plus mobilitu študentov za účelom štúdia a stáže v zahraničí zo dňa 23.10.2023
Na základe vyhodnotenia odovzdaných prihlášok a uskutočnených pohovorov s uchádzačmi o krátkodobú ERASMUS mobilitu – BIP na partnerskej vysokej škole – Fachhochschule Dresden, sa výberová komisia uzhodla na nasledovných výsledkoch výberového konania:
Priezvisko Meno
Cieľová VŠ
Výsledok výberového konania
Rentková Aneta
FHD, Dresden, BIP
Mobilita schválení
Vargaeštók Alex
FHD, Dresden, BIP
Mobilita schválení
Novak Matus
FHD, Dresden, BIP
Mobilita schválení
Turčanová Mária
FHD, Dresden, BIP
Mobilita schválení
Cvacho Amadeus
FHD, Dresden, BIP
Mobilita schválení
Všetci uchádzači, ktorých mobilita bola schválená, predložia ďalšie dokumenty vyžadované cieľovou a vysielajúcou inštitúciou, ako aj dohodu o štúdiu – Learning Agreement v zmysle pokynov, a to najneskôr 14 dní pred termínom podania dokumentov na cieľovej inštitúcii.
Výberová komisia si vyhradzuje právo zmeniť cieľovú inštitúciu realizácie mobility po obojstrannom súhlase vysielajúcej VŠ a študenta, po predložení príslušných dokladov. Takéto rozhodnutie o zmene je v kompetencii ERASMUS+ Inštitucionálneho koordinátora.
V Bratislave dňa 23.10.2023
Kontaktná osoba: Ing. Marián Kováč, PhD.
Adresa: Furdekova 16, 851 07 Bratislava, ERASMUS+ office – 2. poschodie, kancelária č. 211
Partner in the Czech Republic