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New partnerships in Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation

New partnerships in Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation

10. októbra 2021

As part of a delegation led by the Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic Ivan Korčok to Nur-Sultan in Kazakhstan and Nizhny Novgorod in the Russian Federation from 10th to 12th of October 2021, the Rector of the Bratislava University of Economics and Management established a new partnership with universities in Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation.

Together with the first vice-president of the IT association of Slovakia, Mr. Mário Lelovský, they opened the possibility of cooperation in joint study programs, which we implement at BUEM as our commitment in the Digital Coalition of Slovakia based on a society-wide order from the IT sector of the Slovak Republic.

In addition to the IT area, our rector also took the opportunity to cooperate in joint study programs in the field of economics and management as well as public administration, while there was also a discussion about cooperation in the field of MBA programs. Finally, the possibility of cooperation in the field of mobility within the ERASMUS + program as well as science and research, are opening.

In the capital of Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan, the Rector of BUEM met, among others, with the deans of two faculties of the Eurasian National University, which is currently in the TOP300 universities in the world according to QS World University Rankings. Furthermore, with the dean of the Faculty of Economics of the Kazakh University of Technology and Business, where in both cases the offer of cooperation attracted the prospective partners, and we are currently preparing the signing of cooperation agreements.

In Nizhny Novgorod in the Russian Federation, a meeting was held among others with the Vice-Rector for International Relations of Lobachevsky University, where the offered cooperation in the field of joint study programs was accepted and a cooperation agreement is under preparation.


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