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Closing ceremony of the SUMMER SCHOOL 2017

Closing ceremony of the SUMMER SCHOOL 2017

4. augusta 2017

On August 4, 2017, the School of Economics of Public Administration Management in Bratislava celebrated the closing ceremony of the SUMMER SCHOOL 2017 for both foreign and domestic students. The invitation to the ceremony, where certificates were handed over to the participants, was accepted by Mr. Tibor Buček, Director of the Investment Department of SARIO with colleagues, who were also members of the Evaluation Committee for Student Projects. The invitation was also accepted by Mrs. Tatiana Smoroňová, Slovak Business Agency, SBA also participated in the SUMMER SCHOOL 2017 program.

At the closing ceremony, prof. Dr.h.c., Ing. Viera Cibáková, CSc. rector of VŠEMvs, spoke to the participants of the SUMMER SCHOOL 2017, thanked all participants, asked students from the Chinese partner school about the feelings and impressions of the SUMMER SCHOOL 2017 and wished them a beautiful stay in Slovakia and a safe return home. Finally, Qi Wang, colleague from partner Ningbo Dahongying University (NDU) from Ningbo, Zhejiang province in People´s republic of China spoke few words about their great time and unforgettable experiences and thanked for organization of SUMMER SCHOOL 2017.

During the four weeks of SUMMER SCHOOL 2017, Chinese and Slovak students took part in intense language training focused on business English, while they had also professional lectures and workshops on interesting topics such as European Union, International Trade, E-commerce, International Marketing, Leadership, Project Management and others. All lectures and workshops led to teamwork on projects during the final week of the SUMMER SCHOOL 2017. These projects address real business cases of transfer of well-known Slovak food products to the Chinese market. For this reason, Mgr. Janka Gasperová from the Ministry of Agriculture and Regional Development of the Slovak Republic also participated in the project.

However, SUMMER SCHOOL 2017 was not just about learning. Our participants had the opportunity to take several trips in Slovakia and abroad. In addition to accompanying tours of the capital, participation in horse racing and basketball match, they spent two days in Banská Štiavnica and its surroundings. They visited the three capital cities of Slovak neighbors, they picked for a coffee and a visit to the Hofburg in nearby Vienna by boat, and continued with the recognition of Budapest with a visit to the Hungarian Parliament, and the trips were completed by a two-day visit to Prague. As a reward for demanding work in the processing of student projects, there were certain shopping opportunities, so they also visited nearby outlet shopping center Parndorf.

According to the NDU students' assessment, their stay in Bratislava was great, so we hope that they will keep those memorable memories as long as possible and we will meet them or their classmates next year at SUMMER SCHOOL 2018.


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